Save the farm!
The petting zoo and pony ride have for decades been the “heart” of Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch. Like many children, families, and school groups, we were broken hearted when the City of West Hollywood stopped permitting us to have the sweet animals on site in 2008.
But now, THE PETTING ZOO and PONY RIDES are back!!!!!!!! Thanks to your efforts and the goodwill of the City of West Hollywood this heartfelt experience has returned.
The experience of the farm and closeness to animals is vital for children, teaching them to be brave and gentle, to respect nature and honor her animals. We are thrilled that our ponies, baby goats, lambs and ducks will be back to play with the children of the City.
Thank you for all your help in bringing this to fruition and thank you to the good people of the City of West Hollywood!